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Ventrix is developing a first-in-class, off-the-shelf biomaterial scaffold for cardiac repair. Cardiac tissue has a limited ability to self-repair after significant damage. The VentriGel cardiac repair scaffold is a biomaterial designed specifically for repair of damaged myocardium.

Our goal for developing tissue engineering scaffolds is to mimic the in vivo extracellular matrix (ECM) for a particular tissue, providing a scaffold environment for cell-matrix interactions. VentriGel is the first product of its kind that contains myocardial specific extracellular matrix componentsIt is an injectable hydrogel derived from the native myocardial extracellular matrix, and thus mimics its native properties.

When native ECM is destroyed and replaced by a dense collagen scar, an abnormal microenvironment in the heart is created that prevents normal function.  Once injected, the VentriGel cardiac repair scaffold offers a new healthy microenvironment.


Key Features

  • Improves cardiac function in both subacute and chronic MI preclinical models
  • Mimics the native extracellular matrix (ECM) scaffolding in the heart
  • Offers a new healthy microenvironment within the myocardium to facilitate cardiac repair
  • Implantable via a variety of methods including minimally-invasive cardiac catheter technology
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